Epoch SMILE Student Web Guide

The Epoch SMILE Student Web is designed for students who are participating in an Inquiry Based Learning session. The web app requires a modern HTML5 compliant browser.

Logging In

To open the app, visit the landing page.

landing page

From here, click on the SMILE Student Web Button. Just enter a username, or use the default username.

SMILE Student Web Button

After loggin in, the Student will wait until the Teacher is ready to begin the session.

SMILE Student Web Login

Phasae I - Start Making Questions

When the class is ready, the Teacher will initiate the “Start Making Questions” Phase. The student will be asked by the Teacher to create one or more questions with complete answers.

SMILE Student - Start Making Questions

Phase II - Start Answering Questions

When all of the students have created an acceptable number of questions, the Teacher will move to the “Start Answering Questions” phase. The Stuedent will be presented with a set of one or more questions to answer. The questions are in the form of Multiple Choice, so the format will be familiar to many students.

SMILE Student - Start Answering Questions

After completing answers for all questions, the Student will be asked to wait for the teacher to wrap up the session and present results.

SMILE Student - Start Answering Questions 2

Phase III - View Results

When the Teacher is ready to present the results, the results will be displayed in the browser.

SMILE Student - Results

Phase IV - After The Session, Recap

At this point, it is up to the teacher to transition the students from the SMILE session into a recap of the session and help the students to dissect their own work, and evaluate peers. Examination of question quality is important.

Not Yet Implemented

  • Advanced visualization of results